Ed. Museu Episcopal de Vic, 2017.
Revista científica.
VIII 162 pages 24 x 16,5 cm. 15 €.
The scientific research has been an essential part of the MEV’s activity from its beginnings. The Quaderns del Museu Episcopal de Vic are the preferential way to issue the investigations about the collections of the MEV in the fields of the art history, the archaeology or the museology, among others, and also to record the scientific activities carried out. The Quaderns are published annually and are supported by a group of experts from different universities, museums and other Catalan cultural institutions. They contain a variable number of articles about original research ("Studies") and more brief notices on punctual identifications of pieces or events of the scientific life of the Museum ("Reports").
See journal
Josep Gudiol i Cunill, arqueòleg
Xavier Clop
Mossèn Josep Gudiol i Cunill, historiador de la pintura gòtica catalana (2a part)
Alberto Velasco
Plaques-boucles d’époque wisigothique conservées au Musée Episcopal de Vic
Michel Feugère
Els dotze imams al MEV
Anna Labarta
Le pallium, insigne épiscopal millénaire
Bernard Berthod
Frontal, taula, pal·li, antependi: una qüestió terminològica
Tània Alaix
Estudi del suport dels laterals d'altar de Toses, Ribes i Mogrony. A l'entorn del Mestre de Soriguerola
Iris Bautista, Anna Nualart
Appunti su alcune cassette lignee medievali al Museu Episcopal di Vic
Paola Boccalatte
Exposicions al MEV, 2014-2016
Judit Verdaguer, Marc Sureda
La nova web del MEV
Carme Comas