Bernat des Puig, Jaume Cirera
1426 - 1442
The workshop of these two painters was established in Barcelona and was active basically during the second quarter of the 15th century, until 1442, approximately the same years that the painter Bernat Martorell was active. Jaume Cirera, from Solsona, trained as a painter next to the master Jaume Cabrera with whom he established family ties by marrying his daughter. Bernat des Puig, from Barcelona, seems to have been the driving force behind the establishment of this partnership; there is documentary evidence that they worked together for sixteen years. The most important work to have been conserved by these painters is the high altarpiece from the church of Sant Miquel in La Seu d'Urgell, done, according to Alcolea and Gudiol, in 1432. What we do have precise documentary information about is the altarpiece from Sant Pere in Ferrerons, conserved in a fragmentary state in the Museum since 1913, which was begun in March 1431 and finished in 1433. Also according to Alcolea and Gudiol the altarpiece from Santa Maria in Cornet, of which the Museum conserves the top compartment, with the scene of the Calvary, and a fragment of the predella with the figures of Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Barbara and Saint Paul, could be a work done exclusively by the painter Bernat des Puig, given the appearance of the letter “b” inscribed on the apostle Paul's sword. The small altarpiece from Santa Eulàlia in Pardines, conserved in its entirety, allows us to appreciate overall the style of these two painters, which is characterised by the use of the stylistic formulae of early International Gothic 'à la' Borrassà, far from the innovations introduced in those same years by Bernat Martorell.
Room10 ,Floor1
9-10-11 Gothic Art
12-13-14 Renaissance
15-16 Textiles and Clothing
17 Glass
Barcelona school
1426 - 1442
Tempera on wood
140 x 161.5 cm
From the parish church of Santa Eulàlia in Pardines, Prats de Lluçanès (Osona)
MEV 639