First third of the 17th century
Oil lamp with conical body and thick wide rim. The surface of the container is decorated with enamelling depicting lily of the valley stalks and Christ's monogram, “IHS”, inside a circle of flames. This is one of the few surviving examples of Catalan enamelled glassware of the 16th and 17th centuries. They are generally decorated with a limited colour range in which the colour green dominates, with touches of white and yellow, with basically floral motifs that occupy much of the surface area. This type of lamp had a liturgical purpose and the thick lip was probably used to hang them on a chain over an altar or in front of an image.
Room17 ,Floor1
9-10-11 Gothic Art
12-13-14 Renaissance
15-16 Textiles and Clothing
17 Glass
First third of the 17th century
Glass, blown and enamelled
7.4 x 9.1 x 7.6 cm
Provenance unknown
MEV 216