15th century
The host moulds of the 15th century show certain changes with respect to those of the previous century. Apart from the fact that the difference in the diameter between the forms meant for the congregation and for the priest is accentuated, there is also evidence of an increase in the iconographical repertoire and a greater presence of narrative scenes with a greater wealth of detail. Portrayed on them are the themes of 'Ecce Homo', the Crucifixion, the Flagellation and the Mystic Lamb, often encircled by epigraphic borders alluding to them. The decorative repertoire, close to the formal language of Gothic, becomes more mature and varied, and includes motifs of palm leaves, floral scrolls, or stylised flower shapes.
Room20 ,Floor2
18 Leather
19 Gold, Silver and Metalworking Arts
20 Forge Work
21 Ceramics
22 Study Galleries
15th century
Iron stamped with a mould
70 cm (size of plates: 14 x 20.5 cm)
From Santa Eulàlia in Riuprimer (Osona)
MEV 8117