Roman, second half of the 2nd century – first half of the 3rd century
It is part of a grave goods formed by objects of a personal nature and funerary offerings recorded inside a lead sarcophagus with a lid of flat 'tegulae'. The deceased had half a coin in the mouth, which would allow it to pay Charon for the last boat journey to the beyond, symbolised by the crossing to Lake Styx. The grave goods were completed by an oxidised clay jar, with graffiti (CN) incised after the firing, which contained inside it the remains of eggshell and small insects. The Romans believed in the afterlife and death became one more stage of life. The burial ground of Can Colomer Munmany was located on one of the roads leading to the city of Ausa, a fact that is corroborated by the custom existing in the Roman world of burying the dead by the roadside outside cities.
Room2 ,Floor-1
1 History of the Museum
2 Archaelogy
3 Lapidary
Place of execution unknown
Roman, second half of the 2nd century – first half of the 3rd century
Clear blown glass
11.6 x Ø5.6 cm
From the burial ground of Can Colomer Munmany, Vic (Osona)
MEV 13243